B100 Is Heading To Wizard World!
No, we're not going to the real Wizarding World, much as I would love to. And no, I don't mean the Wizarding World theme park in Orlando – although, again, would love to. No, this weekend, I am headed to Wizard World Comic Con in Chicago!
This is one of my favorite comic cons to go to every year. The costumes are on point, and the guest list is insane. This year, the guest list has major nostalgia behind it. The cast of Boy Meets World will be there, along with the cast of Kim Possible, stars of The X Files, and Ghostbusters!
I'm geeking out pretty hard, and will be posting updates all weekend. Be sure to follow along on B100 social (@B100QC) for looks at the best costumes, peeks at panels, and shots of your favorite stars!
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