In a world of shortages, live music is not one of them. Especially in the Quad Cities and surrounding area. With plenty of summertime left to enjoy, there is one summer concert series that might have slipped by in your social media feed or wherever you look for events in our area.

The Bettendorf Public Library has been hosting a Summer Concert Series that takes place every Thursday at the same place, at the same time, and costs the same amount. The next Summer Concert Series is happening this Thursday but if you can't make it, there are plenty more to attend.

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Mark your calendar for Bettendorf Public Library's next Summer Concert Series date featuring a local band and a QC favorite, Crooked Cactus.

Bettendorf Public Library's Summer Concert Series Continues

If you're looking to enjoy more live music and enjoy it for the low cost of $0, then you need to clear your Thursday nights for the rest of the summer. The Bettendorf Public Library's Summer Concert Series continues this Thursday, July 13th.

Every Thursday between now and August 10th, you can bring the family to Faye's Field (2950 Learning Campus Drive) by the Bettendorf Public Library. The music starts at 6:30 p.m. and it is free to enjoy the live music.

Bettendorf Public Library
Bettendorf Public Library

Make sure you bring a lawn chair or blanket if you plan on sitting. But looking at the list of bands performing the rest of the summer in Bettendorf, I have a feeling you'll be on your feet dancing the entire time.

Thursday night's band is a QC favorite in the Crooked Cactus. You can find more details about Bettendorf Public Library's Summer Concert Series here.

A Look Inside Knee-High Distilling Co., Muscatine's First Craft Distillery

Knee-High Distilling Co. announced it would become Muscatine's first craft distillery back in August of 2022. Almost 9 months after the business was founded, Knee-High products are now hitting the shelves at grocery stores and liquor stores in Iowa.

The Top Ten Excuses You Can Use to Cancel a Date

Have you ever had to bail on a date when you realized the person was total garbage? You realized you got yourself into a situation with someone you're not even interested in.

Before we reveal the top 10 excuses to get out of a date, here are a few fun dating facts.

People will tolerate an average of 51 minutes of a bad date before making their excuses to leave, according to research.

Daters were also asked about bowing out ahead of time with 44% of people saying they have done that. On average, we'll cancel 19 hours beforehand.

Here are the ten most common excuses we've used to get out of a date.

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