Bettendorf School Board Approves Return To Learn Plan

Bettendorf parents will now know how their students will be learning once again this fall. As school districts around the Quad Cities, Iowa, Illinois and the country figure out how to send kids back to school this fall, we are beginning to get a better picture of what that will look like in each district.
On Monday, the Bettendorf School District board approved the district's return to learn plan. The plan was passed by a vote of 7 to 0. The return to learn plan is a hybrid plan that will allow students to learn in person and online.
The approved return to learn plan will allow parents to have the option to choose between a hybrid learning schedule and completely learning online for their student(s). For the safety of staff and students, the plan does require face coverings for everyone, along with additional cleaning in buildings.
The Bettendorf Community School District collected over 1,800 survey answers from staff and parents from a survey period back during the week of July 6th.
Parents - 1806 Responses (57%)
- 84% responded they wanted some model of in-person learning (either on-site or hybrid)
- 48.45% prefer that staff wear masks
- 45.40% prefer that students wear masks
Primary concerns with returning to school:
- Public health regulations not being followed (56.09%)
- Classrooms and other student gathering places not properly disinfected (57.59%)
- Availability of disinfecting materials or PPE (personal protective equipment) (45.79%)
- Having in-person interactions with others (37.38%)
Teachers - 297 Responses (91%)
- Preference of learning model:
- 50.2% Remote Learning
- 43.3% Hybrid Learning
- 18.4% On-site Learning
- Face Coverings:
- 85% want face coverings required for students
- 85.4% want face coverings required for staff
Classified Staff - 113 Responses (42%)
- Preference of learning model:
- 22.3% Remote Learning
- 58% Hybrid Learning
- 26.8% On-site Learning
- Face Coverings:
- 73.6% want face coverings required for students
- 80% want face coverings required for staff
Bettendorf students who are being educated through the hybrid model will attend school in-person two days a week, with an additional third day every other week. To allow for more social distancing among students and staff, the district is exploring additional classroom space within the city of Bettendorf.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds issued a proclamation on July 17th that requires all districts to have 50% or more of instruction time over a two week period that is in person. An exception to the proclamation for students is if a parent chooses remote learning for their student(s).
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