There is no doubt in my mind you've made your Jack-o'-lanterns glow the old-fashioned way. Which way is that? With a candle. And I'm sure plenty of people in Wisconsin still do.

But doing it the old-fashioned way could be the biggest mistake of your life. As you begin to carve your pumpkins, don't just buy the cheap, plastic carving sets from the store. Make sure you also pick up a few new-school ways to make your pumpkins glow.

If you stick to the way of using a candle to light your pumpkin, get to know the smell of burnt fruit. That smell means your pumpkin, and probably your Wisconsin home, is on fire.

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Burning Fruit Smell? Your Spooky Pumpkin Just Got Seriously Dangerous

Listen, I've made my Jack-o'-lanterns glow with those little tea candles before. Honestly, I think using a real candle makes pumpkins look cooler. But the risk of using a candle in your carved pumpkins isn't worth it.

Pumpkins are fruit believe it or not. If you forget to blow out that candle making your pumpkin glow or you use a candle that creates a big flame, that burning fruit smell should give you an indication that a serious problem is now on your hands.

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The Wisconsin Department of Health Services says that when making your carved pumpkins glow, avoid using candles. For those who want to use candles, make sure you don’t place them near curtains, furnishings, or decorations. Move them off porches where children’s costumes may ignite.

The National Fire Protection Association says that decorations were the first thing to ignite in roughly 900 reported home fires each year.

A great alternative? Buy those cheap battery-powered ones for next to nothing and you don't have to buy new ones every year. For those who still want to use real candles, the NFPA has recommendations for you so you don't light anything else on fire.

Even More Halloween Safety TipsTo Follow

These tips also help with not starting your home or yourself on fire. Yes, these apply to residents across Wisconsin.

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  • When choosing costumes make sure to stay away from long trailing fabric
  • Keep exits clear of decorations, so nothing blocks escape routes
  • Always check smoke alarms to make sure they are working
  • Dried cornstalks, dried flowers, and paper decorations catch fire easily, make sure to keep any open flames and heat sources, such as light bulbs, at a safe distance

Be careful carving and lighting pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and celebrating Halloween 2024!

Inside The Wisconsin House That's A 'Nightmare On Zillow Street'

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