Half The Centennial Bridge Is Closing This Week
Heads up, construction is once again hitting QCA traffic pretty hard. This week, it's the Centennial Bridge that will be affected.
According to an announcement from the Illinois Department of Transportation, "the outside Illinois bound lane of the Centennial Bridge will be closed on Friday, October 26, 2018" so that crews can make repairs.
For me, this doesn't make too much difference; it's when construction closes parts of the I-74 bridge that I struggle. But a large portion of the QCA does use the Centennial bridge, and going down to one lane can seriously affect drive times.
Of course, this is all subjective to the weather. But odds are, it'll happen. The good news is, it's only expected to be closed for the day. And with the weekend starting, drivers might be in a better mood.
On the other bright side, it's not winter yet. Having that kind of backup in the snow would be an absolute nightmare.
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