This high school drama teacher took the TikTok trend of revealing his school's next spring musical day-by-day to another level.

The trend started when teachers on TikTok showed themselves ripping down a musical a day from their whiteboards and desks until the final one was left standing. The videos typically get both students and viewers involved in making guesses and searching for clues in the classroom decor.

But this teacher stepped it up a notch.

In the first of three viral videos of the final reveal, the teacher, who goes by Mr. Finn on the app, announces, "After today you will know what the musical is."

"You know the drill, here we go," he says, as a drumroll begins and the camera pans to show the final three musicals displayed.

When he tears one off and then proceeds to take down both Mary Poppins and Beauty & The Beast, the students collectively gasp "What?!"

"He deserves a raise," a commenter remarked.

In part two, the video with the most views at almost 40 million, Mr. Finn says "Oh no, I actually didn't put it up on the board," as he glances around the room in mock-shock in true drama teacher fashion.

One student shouts, "You are cruel for this!"

Mr. Finn dashes to the laptop atop a piano and opens an "in case of emergency" file that projects a video of the teacher himself on the screen.

As he trades lines with his video-self, he checks his pockets and under the risers for the answer, to no avail, before finding an envelope marked "confidential" taped to the back of the screen.

The screams of the class punctuate the teacher's voice as he reads out "Alexa, play musical announcement!"

The video prompted many to comment how they wish they had a teacher like Mr. Finn.

One person wrote, "I wish my teachers were this fun in high school!"

"This is giving such Phil Dunphy energy and I’m all for it," another person said.

The final part revealed another projected video with fake-buffering to build even more anticipation before finally playing the opening notes to The Addams Family.

"Are you for real right now?" a student shrieks.

"The way I got excited and I’m not even in the play," a commenter said.

Two days after the original trio of videos, Finn posted an update and said, "Thank you all for the crazy support and love!"

It's safe to say the internet absolutely devoured this wholesome musical reveal!

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