The other day Kevin Walker and I were chatting about this study on impulse purchases and not saving money. In talking about it, I realized….…the new package of razors(note: not my usual razors) I recently bought were an impulse buy! My armpits had been on fire all morning and the only thing different in my routine, were the razors! Ouch!

That left me on fiiiiyyyyyyyyaaaaaaahhhhhh! Of course, I wasn’t going to say anything because I think it classifies in the “TMI” category. However, it got worse as the morning went on and I went from tolerating it, to standing with my arms open, like I was flapping my invisible wings, to blowing on my armpits every few seconds.

When you work with someone so closely, you can’t help but notice if something is a little “off” with them. Kevin picked up on it and finally said something to me. I explained, so we decided to reach out and ask about tried and true razor burn remedies.

I was told tea bags, cold compresses, essential oils, butters and oils and some deodorants! Working with what I found in the cupboard at work, I started with tea bags. I found chamomile, which I know is calming and good ol Early Grey! I wet those and put them in the freezer. I also dug through my purse and found an soothing antioxidant spray I have used on burns and bug bites for the kiddos. I tried that first. I had to bite my lip it stung so bad! At this point, I went from bad to worse and desperate for relief!

I thought about the comfrey salve but it had peppermint oil in it, which would make it burn more, so I ended up not even trying. I grabbed the chamomile tea bags out of the freezer and those provided relief for a little bit…maybe 5 minutes. I ran and grabbed the black tea bags and those provided relief, surprisingly for 10-15 minutes, longer than I had all day.

(From left to right: comfrey/shea butter salve, Antioxidant spray, chamomile and black tea bags fresh from the freezer.)

I definitely needed permanent relief today and decided to go to the health food store to find something else. I thought it was going to be aloe vera, which probably would’ve worked fine but I found this instead:

(Near Magic Remedies Ultimate Healing Oil for cuts, burns, acne and scars and Calendula and Comfrey Salve)

I decided to combine the two and am happy to say I got instant relief and there is no more burning! The great thing about this purchase is that I can use these again and again on all kinds of things.

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