I read a story today about a new trend where people are conditioning their hair then washing it. The idea is that the conditioner softens and untangles your hair . . . then the shampoo washes away the heaviness of the conditioner and cleans your hair without eliminating all the moisture or shininess. I asked my personal hair stylist, Lindsey Johnson with Salon Agape in Moline and glam2goqc.com if this was right. She says this idea is crazy. Here's why:

  • "Shampoo and Conditioner have two completely different jobs. Shampoo cleanses the hair, opening the cuticle and ridding the hair of dirt and grime. The conditioners job is to go through and smooth down the cuticle preventing everyday pollutants from penetrating the hairs surface and making your hair dirty faster. If you reversed this process, your hair would be very unmanageable and get dirty a lot faster. See- Billy Madison had it all wrong. conditioner is better!"

(Credit: Daily Mail / XO Jane)

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