We are the generation that posts what we're doing, when we're doing it, who we're doing it with, etc... at all times. You could say oversharing is our forte.

We're also guilty of hash tagging just about anything. I've even been known to hash tag while I'm having a regular conversation #sorrynotsorry #thereIgoagain.

The Superdrug Online Doctor decided to conduct a study to find out which locations used #sexy most often in its posts using geotagging. The #1 state is kind of obvious now that I think about it. However, I'm glad I found out AFTER my boyfriend returned from Vegas. Yup. Nevada is the no. 1 state that most frequently uses #sexy.

Typically Iowa's always close to the top in state rankings, but that couldn't be farther from the truth in this study.

Iowa was just barely beat by South Dakota for the least #sexy posting state. You hear that? Iowa ranking a solid 49 out of 50. Preposterous.

My question is: How is that ranking even possible when Iowa has produced some decently sexy dudes?!

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