Contrary to popular belief, Iowa isn't the methamphetamine capital of the U.S. As a matter of fact, the drug problem in Iowa isn't even close to being the worst in America.

Yes, drugs are an issue in Iowa and throughout the country, but spreading fake news about Iowa having a huge drug problem can be put to rest. A new study shows that Iowa is in the top 10 states with the smallest drug problem.

Iowa Has The 7th Smallest Drug Problem

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A new study from WalletHub shows that Iowa is ranked as the state with the 7th smallest drug problem. Iowa ranked 36th in the share of teenagers and adults who used illicit drugs in the past month, 49th in drug overdose deaths per capita, and 33rd in drug arrests per capita.

WalletHub found that Iowa ranks towards the bottom of the list after comparing all the states and Washington D.C. in three overall categories:

  1. Drug Use & Addiction
  2. Law Enforcement
  3. Drug Health Issues & Rehab

A lot of people think Iowa has a meth problem. The only study with conclusive findings comes from a 2019 study from a Millenium Health Report showing Iowa ranking 2nd for meth use in the U.S.

Illinois' Drug Problem Is Worse Than Iowa's

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The study from WalletHub shows that Illinois has more of a drug problem than Iowa but it's not close to the worst.

Illinois was ranked as having the 28th worst drug problem in the U.S. Illinois is higher on this list because it ranked 18th in Law Enforcement, or the 18th state with the highest (no pun intended) arrests for drugs.

The South Has A Big Drug Problem

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Besides Texas, the rest of the South has a pretty big drug problem.

WalletHub found that New Mexico is the state with the biggest drug problem. Louisiana (4th), Missouri (6th), Arkansas (7th), and Oklahoma (9th), were all in the top 10 states with the biggest drug problems.

The state with the smallest drug problem is Hawaii.

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The Funniest And Most Painful Ways Men Injured Their Junk in 2022

The Consumer Product Safety Commission keeps a running tally of E.R. visits in the U.S., with short descriptions of how each person got hurt.
Someone went through E.R. records to find the funniest ways men injured their JUNK in 2022.  

The 20 Best Meals In The Quad Cities

Are you one of those people who know they want something to eat, but don't know exactly WHAT you want to eat? You know you don't want to stay home and cook, and you know you want to go out to a restaurant, but maybe you don't know exactly what you're craving. Where does one find good food in the Quad Cities?

WORRY NO MORE! We are here to help!

We asked a question on our Facebook page "What is the best meal in the Quad Cities" and many people shared their favorite restaurants and dishes in the comments. We have put together a list of the 20 Best Meals in the Quad Cities so that you can get out and try something new!

These restaurants are a place of good times, great food, and reasonable prices!

Check out all the restaurant's websites by clicking on the green wording!
Have fun scrolling!


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