Moline Parks Department Is Bringing Back ‘The Great At Home Egg Hunt’
It is egg hunting season. With Easter approaching, the Moline Parks and Recreation Department is bringing back The Great At Home Egg Hunt. It is a chance to have the department set up an Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard of residents in Moline, East Moline, and Coal Valley.
The Moline Parks and Recreation Department is once again holding The Great At Home Egg Hunt, which is when the department brings an Easter Egg Hunt to your home. According to officials, staff will deliver and scatter/hide eggs in the front yards of people who sign up. Children ages 1-18 years old who are registered will receive 20 eggs each to search for.
But residents of Moline aren't only open to signing up for this. The Moline Parks and Recreation Department is also opening this to residents in East Moline and Coal Valley. Officials want those who sign up to note that there are separate days for East Moline, Coal Valley, and Moline residents.

For those who want to have an at-home egg hunt in East Moline, they will have eggs hidden in their yard on Monday, April 11th. Coal Valley residents who sign up will have their day on Tuesday, April 12th. Moline residents who register can sign up for Wednesday, April 13th, or Thursday, April 14th.
Officials say that eggs will be delivered anytime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the days of each egg hunt in the respective cities. Egg deliveries and hiding of the eggs will take place whether it is raining, sunny, or dare we say it, snowy.
The registration fee for the Great At Home Egg Hunt is $10.
Residents in Moline, East Moline, and Coal Valley can register now by clicking here.
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