'Tis the season of giving... which probably means you got a lot of useless s**t.

And, I'm guilty of it too - buying something just to buy it so everyone has something to open. For instance, my 18-year-old brother doesn't like giving us gift ideas for what he wants. So, what does he end up with? A giraffe suit.


Or, for example, this Christmas my parents gave everyone in the family very nice bath robes - embroidered and everything.

A nice gift, right? Wrong. Instead of ordering everyone their correct size, they went XL across the board and my robe eats me alive.


See? For once I'm not exaggerating. Am I grateful? Of course. But everyone, at one point or another, has received a gift that they were less than enthusiastic about.

What was the gift you got this Christmas that was you received? Share it with us on Facebook and you could be featured on our website!

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