Our new friend Olivia McCormick turns four today. And yesterday Olivia and I along with Sgt. Eric Gruenhagen from the Davenport Police Department stopped by with pizza, cake, cards and gifts for her birthday. It turned out to be quite a surprise for the Davenport four year old who has spent her entire life battling congential psuedarthrosis of the fibula. The condition makes her fibula very fragile and to this point unable to heal.

We were so amazed at how many people sent her cards. With your help we tripled the amount of cards she received this year. Olivia was excited to see all the tv reporters along with the B100 crew and Sgt. Gruenhagen but she was mostly excited by the dozens of new birthday cards and the chance to show everyone all the cards she had already received.

All three local television stations were with us and did stories on Olivia and her Leg Up For Olivia Facebook page. You can continue to support her there including a link to her Go Fund Me Page.

Kevin Walker
Kevin Walker

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