Parents Suing Addictive Fortnite For Ruining Their Kid’s Lives
A group of parents is starting a lawsuit against the creators of the video game Fortnite saying it's addictive and ruining their children's lives.
I enjoy playing video games once in a while but I never got totally into them. I'm kind of glad I didn't. I have friends that never leave their house because that's all they do. Now, people are saying one of the most popular games is taking a toll on their kids.
According to,
"The popular video game Fortnite has been a pop culture sensation since it was released in 2017, spurring a line of viral videos, dances, and merchandise. Now a new lawsuit claims the game is "as addictive as cocaine." Fortnite, created by Cary-based Epic Games, was intentionally created to be "as addictive as possible" according to a lawsuit filed by a Canadian attorney. The case stems from parents' claims that the game ruined their children's lives. The parents are citing a study finding that the game causes the brain to release dopamine, having a drug-like effect."