Lena Dunham. You either love her for this or hate her. I choose to love her for loving the skin she is in. It's a great thing for everyone to see real bodies and shapes of all sizes and in all phases of life. She's been criticized and judged harshly and some how, still knows she is sexy and beautiful.



She has been one of many voices for a call for positive body image lately. I keep seeing more and more women shedding the negative voices from society and deciding to love themselves just as they are right now. I, myself, have struggled with this but am on a journey, learning every day, just like you. Just like Lena Dunham.  I think I want to be like her when I grow up ;) She is awesome.

This video shows that women in cultures around the world share so many of the same body image issues. Embracing and loving ourselves is the greatest gift we can give to the world.

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