RAGBRAI Sign Up & Refund Date Extended Due To Coronavirus
According to the Des Monies Register, the dates for signing up for the 2020 RAGBRAI and the refund dates have both been extended. Due to the recent Coronavirus out break, those in charge of the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa have announced some accommodations to sign up and refund dates.
At this time, RAGBRAI has not announced a cancellation and continues to move forward with the ride happening July 19th through the 25th. However while working with health officials, the organizers have decided to extend the dates for both signing up and refunds for the ride. The new date is a 2 month extension from the original date of April 1st to June 1st. Check out their Facebook post below to see what more they had to say about addressing the public's concerns:
As the country see's new developments from the coronavirus, the RAGBRAI committee members will continue to keep the public up to date as to where the event stands.

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