Adult coloring is taking the world by storm.

I even jumped on the bandwagon myself and purchased my very first adult coloring book just last week, accompanied by a 30 pack of Premium colored pencils, eraser and sharpener included (totally necessary).


Have you noticed that when asked “How have things been going?” 95% of the time the following response will be “Busy.”?

Life is a whirlwind.  Maintaining a strong work ethic, social life, and keeping family at the forefront of it all is pretty stressful.  As hard as it is to find time to relax, it is a necessity for our health, body and mind.  Time is one of those things I personally have difficulty giving up, but I have found that taking even a half hour of my time to read, write, or even color helps to improve my attitude for the entirety of the day.  Most people already have a relaxing hobby that keeps them sane, while others have a difficult time finding their own personal outlet.

Taking it back to our childhood, coloring is becoming that outlet for many.  Coloring is an activity that requires little to no thought.  It provides a therapeutic stress reliever that allows us to switch off our brains for even a few moments of our time.

Think coloring is not for you? They have coloring books for just about everyone now.  I even saw a Swear Word coloring book that attempts to make the words even more colorful than they already are.


However, I personally enjoy the realistic coloring books and was inclined to purchase a landscape coloring book that I finally decided upon after much deliberation.

No doubt I’ll be back for more though!

Another great reason to consider coloring as a new hobby is the encouragement of mindfulness, similar to that of yoga or meditating (which I've always wanted to try...this is a step in the right direction).


  1. a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

Still not convinced?

Check this out! 

The Rock Island Public Library is hosting their very own Adult Coloring Night.

Monday, April 25th, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

“Relax and create as you color a wide variety of designs created just for adults; with refreshments and light music.” And did I mention it’s Free? :D | See you there!

Click the link below to see what else is on the calendar for the Rock Island Public Library! Rock Island Public Library Events

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