The Quad Cities ‘Rocked’ Halloween Bigger Than the Entire Midwest
When you rock, you rock!
Trick or treat!
Most of us heard that time after time on Wednesday night, but how many of us got something in exchange for the candy we passed out?
A lot!
QCRocks, a super awesome positivity group in the Quad Cities spread that happiness throughout Halloween, having their kids hand over adorable rocks when they received candy on Halloween.
The story behind QC Rocks is:
Hello QC Rockstars! This group was created to bring happiness, positivity, and inspiration to the QC. It's a simple and fun idea that we can spread through family, friends, neighbors, coworkers and anyone else who would enjoy making others feel uplifted by sharing a simple object. A rock! Here's how it works: *Paint a message, picture, design or whatever your heart desires onto a rock. *On the back of the rock paint "QCRocks", so your rock is identified with our group. You can also add FB, so others can find our group on Facebook if they would like to join in the fun. *Post pictures of your painted rocks on our page. *Give clues to the places that you "rocked" (where you hid or placed your rocks). *Post pictures to our group if you happen to find a QC Rock. Keep it or relocate it for someone else to find.
And on Halloween they really spread the 'rocks!'
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