The Wild, Outdated Illinois Laws That Will Squish Valentine’s Day
Illinois has some pretty outlandish laws when it comes to how men and women interact with each other.
Nothing will squish the joy and romance of Valentine's Day quite like the wild, random laws that Illinois has. Some of them pertain to how men and women talk, what they are and aren't allowed to do, and definitely concerning PDA.
While Illinois doesn't enforce all of these laws anymore, they still stand. So let's look at some of the love-related state and city laws you'll find in Illinois.
A Bachelor Is To Be Addressed As "Master" By His Female Counterpart
hahahahaha no. I know this is what single men used to be called in the olden days but even then, I haven't met a man classy enough to be worthy of the old-school title.
It Is Illegal To Make Love While Fishing Or Hunting On Your Wedding Day
This law is specific to Oblong, Illinois. So don't plan on this very specific activity in that very specific town.
A Man Can Force Any Single Woman To Marry Him If He Discovers Her Picking Her Nose At Traffic Lights
This is in Zion, IL. Seriously how did they come up with this?
You Can't Nuzzle Or Kiss A Pet Reptile
According to the Illinois General Assembly, this is not a good idea. According to my common sense, it still is not a good idea.
Dating While Married Is Legit A Crime In Illinois
Obviously it's bad character to do if you're in a closed relationship. But if the affair is "open and notorious", there's a legal issue there.
A Man With A Moustache May Not Kiss A Woman
I know some ladies that would hate this. Sorry fellas, if you're in Eureka, IL, you can't technically be kissed if you have a moustache.
Happy Valentine's Day, Illinoisians. Be careful out there.
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