Years ago, my grandparents received a Big Mouth Billy Bass for Christmas. It was entertaining for a total of 10 seconds, until my 5-year-old cousin discovered it & wouldn't. Stop. Pressing. The. Button.

If you're not familiar with the Big Mouth Billy Bass, it's a plastic fish mounted on a plaque, that moves around and sings annoying songs when you push a button.  The original ones were motion activated, to startle someone when they walked by.

Earlier this week, a burglar broke into a fishing store in Rochester, Minnesota and the store, naturally, had a Big Mouth Billy Bass on the wall near the door.

As the burglar broke through the door, he knocked the fish down.  And when it hit the ground, it started singing AL GREEN'S"Take Me to the River".  The lyrics go, "Take me to the river, drop me in the water."

(I prefer the Talking Heads' cover, but I digress.)

Apparently, that SPOOKED the burglar . . . because he dropped the fishing tackle he'd planned on stealing and ran out.

Police are still looking for him.

It's about time you do something other than entertain 5-year-olds, Big Mouth Billy Bass. Well done.

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