Hay fellas. It's time to spit some knowledge on the ladies. If you wanna attract the ladies, there's a new survey out of the least attractive jobs to have. To my surprise, Radio Dj wasn't one of them (raising a eyebrow). Strap in boys, here we go.

1.  Parking cops . . . because fair or not, EVERYONE hates you if you hand out parking tickets for a living.

2.  Truck drivers . . . because they're away from home so much.

3.  Members of the military.  Again, not because of WHAT they do, but because they're away from home . . . and also because of the danger element.

4.  Strippers.

5.  Fast food workers.

6.  Cab drivers.

7.  Used car salesmen.

8.  Garbage men.

9.  Politicians

10.  Prison guards.


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