Alot of our listeners have asked me "Wes, you look awesome! How did you do it?" Its no secret I was a very BIG boy. I tipped the scales at 330 lbs 1 year ago. Now I'm down almost 100 lbs. I use a special product called Healthy Trim. It's a all natural product made from green tea. It's amazing. Now, don't be fooled. I had to put in a little work too. I take 2 supplements in the morning and drink 16 oz. of water right away. Then at about 9 am I have breakfast (cherry pop tart) and drink more water. Then at about 11 am I have a yogurt as a snack. At about 1 pm I have lunch and walk Northpark Mall. I drink 64 oz. of water everyday, Stay away from caffeine of any kind, no chocolate, and no artificial sweeteners. I also watch what I eat. I haven't had a cheese burger and fries in forever that didn't come from my kitchen. Check it out and If you have any questions find me on Facebook.

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