I'm sadden to read of the passing of Harold Ramis. If you don't know who he is, he is the man behind one of my favorite movies from the 80's, "Ghostbusters." He also has written or directed a ton of other really funny movies like "Animal House", "Stripes", and "Analyze This" just to name a few. He had just finished writing the script for the new "Gostbusters" movie and was set to reprise his role as "Egon." At the firehouse in NYC where "Ghostbusters" took place, fans left candles and photos....and Twinkies. That made me think, if Twinkies hadn't come back, what would they have left for him? I digress. The world has lost a comical genius. Do yourself a favor and look over his body of work here. R.I.P Egon Spangler! Save some slime for us!

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