I'm starting to feel old. Eonline.com has put together a list of 31 upcoming movie reboots that are completely unnecessary. Most of them came from my childhood (showing my age)....the 80's. See if you agree:

1.  "Annie"

2.  "The Crow"

3.  "Flight of the Navigator"

4.  "Godzilla" . . . with "Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston

5.  "Legend of Conan"

6.  "Gremlins"

7.  "It"

8.  "Overboard"

9.  "Drop Dead Fred" . . . with Russell Brand

10.  "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids"

11.  "The Neverending Story"

12.  "Cliffhanger"

13.  "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"

14.  "Dirty Dancing"

15.  "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" . . . directed by Michael Bay

16.  "The Naked Gun" . . . without Leslie Nielsen, who died in 2010

17.  "Scarface"

18.  "Weird Science"

19.  "Escape from New York"

20.  "Jumanji"

21.  "Mrs. Doubtfire" . . . with Robin Williams

22.  "Rosemary's Baby" . . . It's actually going to be an NBC miniseries.

23.  "The Mummy" . . . without Brendan Fraser

24.  "National Lampoon's Vacation" . . . with Ed Helms

25.  "Goonies"

26.  "Jurassic Park"

27.  "It's a Wonderful Life"

28.  "Starship Troopers"

29.  "Tomb Raider"

30.  "Waterworld"

31.  "Ghostbusters" . . . It's unclear who would be involved, but Harold Ramis, who died earlier this year is out, obviously. (one of my all-time favorites)

I get it. Bands cover other bands songs, but like 20 or 30 years later. Don't mess with a original especially if it's awesome. By the way....ANYTHING has the be better than the original "Waterworld."

(credit: Eonline.com)

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