Dramatic Nighttime Sky and Clouds With Large Full Moon

The freaks come out at night, especially on a full moon.

After all, it is Friday the 13th..

What a better way to feed into our superstitious, already-kinda-creeped mindsets about Friday the 13th, than a full moon. Full moons are known for increases in odd and strange behavior, emergency rooms fuller and crazier than usual and births. Yes, all nurses I've ever known who work at hospitals swear by the full moon connections.

Meanwhile, in the land of Facebook, a pic is floating around saying that there will be a full moon tonight. Let me break it to you. There will NOT be.

In fact, the last time there was a full moon on Friday the 13th, was June 2014. The next full moon we will see this month is coming up next week, May 21, 2016. The last full moon we had was on April 22, 2016.

You have plenty of time to plan out your freaky-freakout for a full moon on Friday the 13th because the next one won't occur until August 13, 2049.





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