Help A Quad City Area Family
During my 2 year hiatus, I moved to Muscatine. I met may wonderful people including the Daufeldt family. Cory works for a local restaurant/caterer that I used to visit for lunch. It was there I met his wife Kendra and his son, Hayden. Hayden was a quiet and shy boy...although his dad would say otherwise.
Hayden has a tumor behind his eye. I'm not 100% sure what it is, but I read the other day after many trips and surgeries in Iowa City...the tumor is now inoperable and was all treatments with the exception of radiation to improve the quality of life for the time he has left. All I could think about was how this little boy (who is 4 by the way) and his family aren't going to be able to enjoy the things I and my daughter take for granted.
Some good friends of mine are putting together a event to help the Daufeldt family. Hayden's Heroes Night will be Tuesday, April 4th from 5pm-10pm at the Missipi Brew (107 Iowa Ave in Muscatine). 20% of all food and drink sales will be donated to the Daufelds. There will also be a silent auction with goods and services donated from Muscatine businesses. Get more info here, or search Hayden's Heroes on Facebook.
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