If the ‘Big Game’ Goes Into Overtime, We All Get Free Wings
As you probably know, the Big Game is coming up in less than two weeks. The Kansas City Chiefs will take on the San Francisco 49ers, but I honestly don't care who wins. All I care about now is that the game goes into overtime. Why? So I can get some free wings!
According to Inspire Stories, national chain restaurant Buffalo Wild Wings will be offering up free wings to everyone in the U.S. and Canada if the game goes into overtime on February 2nd. The article reports that BWW Chief Marketing Officer Seth Freeman said:
"Football fans love to have fun with our established connection to overtime, tweeting at us any time a game goes to extra time. That was taken to the next level last year when free wings were on the line, so we knew we had to bring this program back. More football AND free wings? Now that’s something all football fans can get behind and root for on February 2!”
If the Big Game goes into overtime, Americans and Canadians will be able to claim "one free order of boneless or traditional snack-sized or 5/6 count chicken wings" on dine-in orders on February 17th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. No additional purchase is necessary.
Two post-season games have already gone into overtime, so keep your fingers crossed that it happens again! You can read more on the deal from Buffalo Wild Wings HERE.