Illinois Teens Are Way Smarter Than Other Students In the U.S.
The school year has begun in many parts of the country, including schools in Illinois. Many seniors are preparing for college and one of the best ways to help get them in is by doing well on their ACT scores.
Clearly, the education systems in Illinois are really good considering students in the Land of Lincoln have some of the best ACT scores in the U.S.
Illinois Has The 10th Best ACT Scores In The U.S.
There are a lot of teens that are smarty pants in Illinois which is a great thing. KWQC reports that Illinois ranked as the state with the 10th-best ACT scores compared to the other 50 states.
The highest score you can get on the ACT is a 36. Students in Illinois average a score of 24.5 which is 4.7 points above average, according to learner.com.
The national average ACT score is 19.8. Texas and New Mexico students typically hit that national average mark.
Iowa Students Are Also Pretty Dang Smart
Iowa teens who take the ACT also do better compared to teens in America. Iowa students who take the ACT average a score of 21.4, which is 1.6 points above average.
This puts Iowa at #18 when it comes to the best ACT scores.
How Do They Know Which States Are Smarter Than Others?
To find out which states had higher ACT scores than others, learner.com analyzed ACT testing scores for the graduating class of 2022 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia to determine which have the highest and the lowest scores in the nation.
The state with the highest ACT score isn't technically a state. The District of Columbia had the highest average score of 26.9.
The state with the lowest ACT score is Nevada with a score of 17.3.
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