A Sioux City, IA. teen has been arrested for stealing a truck but what he did with what was in the truck is hilarious.

Being a modern-day Robin Hood isn't as easy as it may seem. Well, mostly because it's genuinely ILLEGAL and requires stealing things.

One day, in the land of Sioux City, an 18 year-old spots an empty Coca-Cola semi loaded with the tasty beverage. Something in said teen declared 'Go ahead! Steal it!' (Why his inner moral code didn't kick in, is beyond me, but it didn't. This would have been the proper place for that to happen.)  So, the entitled teen prince took it upon himself to drive away in the truck.

Police had to chase him down, however. He decided to bring the truck back and then fled on foot.

It must have the prescription drugs - that weren't his - in his pocket. Yeah. That's it. That's what made him do it.

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