It's not uncommon for anyone who knows me, to know I'm a bit more 'in-tune' with my hippie side. Guuuurrrrl, you know it's true! I just didn't know how 'hippie' until I looked at this list!

I admit, some of this stuff is just weird.  Some of it is really interesting and I've reserved the things on the list that I don't do (or have even heard of!) to look up later and study.  Here are a few things on the list that I definitely can say "That's me!" to:

You buy coconut oil in bulk.

You've had to explain the difference between vegan and vegetarian.

^You've had to explain why you are either of those things.

Garlic is used for cooking and medicinal purposes.

Your newly pregnant friend comes to you for advice on all things babywearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapers, and intact care

You own multiple jars of coconut oil with labels so you don't mix up the diaper rash one with the cooking one and the "deodorant" one with the face mask one.

Get the rest of the list here. 

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