If The Quad Cities Inspired New Oreo Flavors
It's no secret Oreo is turning out new flavors all the time. So what would happen if they stopped by the QC for inspiration?
This summer, Oreo has dropped Neopolitan-flavored Oreos, that taste like the classic tri-flavor ice cream combo sandwiched between two waffle cone-flavored cookies.
What would happen if they came to the Quad Cities for flavor inspiration?
Don't laugh, it's not too outlandish. Nabisco has already put Oreo through some weird phases. They've had flavors including wasabi, Swedish Fish, Peeps, hot chicken wings, waffles & syrup, buttered popcorn, and more.
So if Oreo were to take a notion and come to our fair corner of the country for flavor inspiration, here are a few things we might find:
Quad City-Style Pizza Oreos
We'll start with the obvious: QC-style pizza and it's malt-containing crust. Maybe the cookies could be malt-infused? The cream inside the Oreo cheesy and saucy? Maybe I'll skip this one?
Craft Beer Oreos
As great as a good craft brew is and as tasty as Oreos are, I'm not sold on this combo. Would the Oreos be alcoholic? Can Oreos be alcoholic? But there's no denying craft beer is an art in the QC, making it a distinct local food.
Pickle Wrap Oreos
We have to pay homage to local history, right? Actually if this one was a good combination of sweet and salty, it might actually not suck.
Whitey's Ice Cream Oreos
Preferably cookie dough flavored filling. Maybe scrap the waffle cone cookie idea Oreo is already trying this summer.
And lastly...
Road Work Oreos
I can dig it. Bright orange creme filling, binge-snacky enough that you can eat a whole box while you're stuck on 53rd.