Rock Island Police To Crack Down On Impaired Drivers During Super Bowl Weekend
The Super Bowl tends to be the biggest television event in America every year. This year, it won't be any different. Many people will be hosting parties for the Big Game, bars and restaurants will be hosting watch parties, and a lot of food and alcohol will be consumed because of the big game. To make sure people are safe this weekend, the Rock Island Police Department announced they will be on the lookout for impaired drivers this weekend.

In a press release on February 3rd, the Rock Island Police Department announced that it will be conducting special patrols this weekend leading up to and on Super Bowl Sunday. These special patrols are meant to crack down on impaired drivers and encourage people to wear their seat belts.
Officials from the Rock Island Police Department advise motorists in Rock Island (but also applies to the entire Quad Cities),
"If your Super Bowl plans involve alcohol or marijuana, make the right play and pass your keys to a sober driver."
You don't want to look like this guy when you get pulled over by a police officer in the Quad Cities.
Rock Island Deputy Chief Tim McCloud said in the press release,
"At parties throughout the country, friends will gather to cheer on their favorite team and raise a glass or two. We urge our residents and visitors to enjoy Super Bowl parties responsibly and remind them that we'll be out in force to help ensure everyone makes it home safely."
While marijuana is legal, it is against the law to drive under the influence of marijuana. According to Illinois Legal Aid, any person with a THC level of 5 nanograms or more per millimeter of blood can be charged with a DUI.
Marijuana is illegal in Iowa.
When it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol, the legal limit for alcohol while operating a motor vehicle in Illinois is 0.08%. That law is the same in the state of Iowa.

The Rock Island Police Department reminds folks who plan to consume alcohol and/or marijuana this weekend to designate a sober driver. Those who don't have a designated driver and need a ride home should call a cab, use a ride-sharing service (Uber, Lyft, etc.), ask a sober friend or family member to pick them up, or stay where they are and sleep it off.
If you see someone who is intoxicated/under the influence, never let a friend leave to drive home or somewhere else.
Officials from the Rock Island Police Department remind people that pedestrians are also at risk. Those who are walking should keep an eye out for vehicles. Motorists should also keep an eye out for impaired walkers.
This campaign begins Thursday, February 11th, and ends Monday, February 14th.
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