This Is How The QC Feels About Decorating For Christmas Before Thanksgiving
The annual debate is here...when are we putting up our Christmas decorations?
I'll be real, I have never once put up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. It always went (and shall forever go) like this:
- get fat on Thanksgiving
- shop on Black Friday
- then on that weekend, decorate for Christmas.
When a weekend in October was the only weekend my dad could help put up my Christmas tree in my old apartment, I threw a sheet over it and made it look like a ghost and didn't put ornaments on it until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is wildly overlooked because people are so bent on throwing up Christmas decorations already but it's so important to give thanks and eat a Butterball turkey with your dysfunctional delightful family.
I saw a giant Christmas tree up in the Davenport Target before Halloween and I'm just not here for it yet. Mariah Carey isn't done defrosting.
It's way too extra to put up Christmas stuff now, but it might be smarter.
This week in the QC, highs are in the 70's. It's supposed to be nice outside until Friday and Saturday so if you would rather not freeze your butt off in December trying to untangle exterior light nets like these, it would make a lot of sense to put them up now.
Americans Are Split And Also Competitive With It
You've seen the "omg Christmas vomit now" opinion on social media by this point and in the same scroll, something about waiting a hot minute to decorate for Christmas.
Stats from YouGov last year show that most Americans agree with me and start decorating the day after Thanksgiving. The second most popular time is just at some point between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 2020 is probably an exception to this though since everyone was stressed way out because of the 'vid and started decorating for Christmas early.
Really Thanksgiving travel and/or cooking can be more than enough to handle, you don't need decorating for Christmas to be another thing on your to-do list.
There's also no chill either. A 2018 survey found that almost half of Americans say that competition with neighbors is more the reason for decorating than holiday spirit, according to Tacoma Daily Index. It seems terrible but as a highly competitive person, I can understand this mindset. Your yard of inflatables can't hold it's own next to my winter wonderland.
What Does The QC Have To Say About When To Decorate?
I posed the question on B100's Facebook & Insta stories and it's pretty interesting. The replies didn't lean strongly one way or the other.
When it comes to taking the decorations down, a study found Illinois waits longer to take its decorations down than any other state, according to Apartment Therapy. I know in the QC I've seen some that have just been up all year so that's about to be convenient.
So here in the QC, it's about a 50/50 split. B100's Connor agrees with me that the way to decorate for Christmas is to wait until after Thanksgiving.
When do you put Christmas lights and decorations up? Let us know in the app chat!
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