This Is When You Can Legally Turn Left On Red In Iowa
It can be super annoying to feel like you're waiting forever to turn left while you're at a red light. But there's one instance where you can turn left on red.
I've complained more in recent days about driving in Davenport than I did all summer. The road construction never ceases. I'm up earlier now going to the gym and because of my stupid integrity I don't run any of the timed lights that I catch.
It's also just kind of the worst when you pull up to a stoplight to turn left and you barely miss the green or yellow light so now you're stuck here for several minutes. Of course this isn't a problem the other way, we know you can turn right on red in most circumstances.
It can be super annoying to feel like you're waiting forever to turn left while you're at a red light. But there's one instance where you can turn left on red.
According to, you can legally turn left at a red light if it's from a one-way onto another one-way. Here's what they say:
In Iowa, a motorist can make a left turn after stopping at a red light only from a one-way street onto another one-way street. Of course, drivers who make a left turn at a red light must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other vehicles lawfully using the intersection.
Not every state is like this. Some states are hard and fast on definitely not turning on red ever, do not pass go do not collect $200. According to Axel Addict, states that aren't fine with turning left on red at all include Connecticut, Missouri (Kansas City is an exception), New York City, North Carolina, Rhode Island, New Jersey, South Dakota, Maine, New Hampshire, District of Columbia, and Guam.