Save The Date: Village of East Davenport’s Wine Walk Is Coming Up
You'll have a boozy way to support local small businesses next month in Davenport.
The Village of East Davenport will be having their Wine Walk on August 20th from 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Admission will be $25 and the map of the Wine Walk will be released one week before the event at the Village's website here.
If you need another reason to go, it's a fundraiser for The Village of East Davenport Business Association. The admission fee is a donation to the association.
Here's how it works: you'll start at one of the wristband and glass tents and pay the admission fee. You'll find those tents in front of Lagomarcino's, the Village Theatre, and the International Fire Museum. You'll get a commemorative wine glass and a wristband. You'll go through different businesses in the Village to sample 1 oz. of different kinds of wine-local, imported, domestic, and samples from the Homebrew community.
There will be over 20 types of wines for you to sample, from both local wineries and international, and live music will be scattered throughout the Village. If you've been in the Village of East Davenport lately, you've probably seen the event banners for it, so here's your additional reminder to not forget when exactly the Wine Walk is.
Of course, you have to be 21 or older to participate in the Wine Walk and you will have to have your ID to prove it. For more details on the Wine Walk, you can check out the Village's website at this link.