Can you imagine if your own kitchen food specialty was sold in our local grocery stores?

Linda's Salsa, Monmouth/Facebook
Linda's Salsa, Monmouth/Facebook

Linda Putnam can. Her “Linda’s Salsa” can be found in about 100 stores across the Midwest including Quad Cities Hy-Vees and Wal-Marts.

According to a KWQC TV-6 news story, Linda's kitchen in Monmouth, IL is where she makes her magic.

“A salsa made in Monmouth, of course, we want to bring that in,” said Tim Mansfield, Moline Hy-Vee Store Director.

All the salsas on display at Moline's Avenue of the Cities Hy-Vee are made by Linda. It took years of growing the right tomatoes, taking classes, and getting everything registered by the FDA to get here.

Her salsas which include  mild, medium, hot, black bean and corn flavors are in Wal-Marts  in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Missouri. Linda's Salsa Facebook page also says shipments are on the way to area Schnuck's grocery stores.

Linda says she always comes with a sample to every store she approaches. That's how she approached Hy-Vee decision makers who say supporting the local businesses is what they strive to do.

Putnam says the secret ingredients in her salsa are her spices.

She also makes jam and jelly, and tortilla chips, but says the salsa is where the money is. She sells her jams and jellies at farmers' markets.

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