You Don’t Need To Leave Your House For This Pumpkin Carving Contest
You can win Disney on Ice tickets and free Whitey's ice cream if you enter this pumpkin carving contest and you don't even need to leave your house.
Sedona Staffing is sponsoring the contest and they're looking for the most creative Jack O' Lantern. The carving can be of anything and is not limited to just faces or Halloween themes.
Here's what you need to do:
- Post a picture of finished, carved pumpkin to Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with the hashtag #SedonaPumpkinCarving.
- Have a visible card or piece of paper with your user name (@ name) present in the photo. This is to verify that your submission is legitimate.
- Only one post to any one of the three social media sites above is necessary.
Here's the complete list of rules. You can win 4 tickets to Disney on Ice at the Quad Cities TaxSlayer Center, 2 Whiteys shake certificates, 2 free Whitey’s cone certificates, and $30.00. Here's the list of prizes.
If you have any questions just email marketing@sedonagroup.com or direct message Sedona Staffing (@SedonaStaffCorp) on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Happy pumpkin carving!
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