Follow Up To A Quad City Teens Big Day
Just incase you missed it, Mitchell's mom, Holly sent us a message on Facebook asking us to ask our listeners if they would send her son 100 birthday cards for his 14th birthday. Mitchell is Autistic. Every year, Holly has a birthday party for Mitchell. One problem, no one shows up. Mitchell waits and waits until he gives up waiting.
I received this message on my birthday (2/4) and I thought, "I gotta help this young man. No one should EVER spend their birthday alone." So, I asked our listeners to help me. The support has been amazing. Lots of you have shared my previous story and have asked what Mitchell wants or is into as well as if there's anything they can do to help with the party. I talked to Holly via text and this is what she told me:
"Wow!! It is so wonderful so many people are reaching out!!! Mitchell loves Japanese anime and video gaming...he has the Xbox360, Xbox 1 and is saving up for the Playstation 4. He collects pop figurines and action figures and he loves to eat!! Happy Joe's is donating 10 large pizzas to help cater...I'm hoping that will be enough, lol. I would like to thank everyone so much for helping make Mitchell's day amazing!! It is more than I could have ever dreamed or wished for and I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees all of the cards and all of the people that show up to the party!"
If you can't make it to the party and want to send a card, his address is:
Mitchell Kay
28 Parklane Circle
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Or you can send them or drop them off to me here at the radio station:
Mitchell Kay
c/o Wes Jordan
1229 Brady St.
Davenport, IA. 52803
This party is gonna be awesome. My friend Dj A I/O will be there as well as myself, Joni from B100, and some of my other friends. Lets make this party one Mitchell will remember.
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