Here’s How You Can WIN CW Swag With B100
What does every good television show need? Adventure, drama, maybe some romance? OH, and aliens. If that's your ideal show, then you're definitely going to want to watch the CW's newest show: Roswell, New Mexico.
The show is a reboot of the WB's Roswell, which aired from 1999-2002. It definitely makes a few updates, but fans of the original might love it just as much. Plus, you might win some cool swag if you tune in!
The show premieres one week from today, on January 15 at 8 p.m. on the Quad Cities' CW. As you're watching keep an eye out for me! No, I'm not one of the aliens (unfortunately) but I will be popping up during the show with a code word for you.
When you see the word, be sure to write it down. Why? Well, each Wednesday at 4:20 p.m., I'll be giving you a cue to call into B100. I'll be hooking up one lucky listener who knows the code with a CW swag bag!
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