Get Spooky With It: LeClaire Hosting Witches Walk
Halloweekend just got a little more festive in LeClaire.
LeClaire will be hosting Witches Walk & Costume Contest on October 29. It will be from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Kids can walk Cody Road and trick-or-treat at participating businesses (there will be a sign in the window of businesses that are doing it).
As for the costume contest, registration and pics of the costumes will be at the LeClaire Civic Center from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. There won't be judging for any pet costumes though.
There won't be a formal parade but there will be trunk or treat, games, balloon animals, and a fire truck at the Civic Center parking lot.
If you want to do the costume contest and to get more details about the Witches Walk, you can check out their website here.
So Many Festivities In The QCA For Halloween
Add this to the list of many things you'll be able to do in the QC leading up to Halloween. There's a bunch of trunk-or-treat events you can take the kiddles to (which start as soon as next weekend). There's the Quad City Botanical Center's Not So Scary Halloween Walk and a litany of haunted houses around here. Plenty of opps for the kiddos to get their share of Halloween candy.
When you're ready for an adult celebration on our dear Halloweekend, get a babysitter and come to the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds on October 28th for the B100 Halloween Ball! You could win $500 in our costume contest plus there will be free food and live music. What more do you need?
Quad City Haunted Houses
Quad City Pumpkin Patches
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