Quad City Events Happening This Weekend
This week has been a crazy one with drastic changes in weather leaving some Quad City residents needing a break this weekend, But, if you're still looking for some fun, we have you covered!
Some highlighted events include:
Play: The Story of Toys - Throughout the Spring. There is still plenty of time to check out this exhibit! In this exhibit for all ages, you’ll be able to take a look at a variety of toys including those that are educational, creative, and meant for the outdoors. Visitors will be able to reminisce about favorite toy fads and dangerous toys they may have had growing up as well as view new inclusive and technological toys.
Art at the Airport - From March 3-April 28. Quad City Arts’ Art at the Airport presents aquatic paintings by Brian Buckles of Waterloo, IA, and more!
Dick Tracy and the Case of Big Top Murders.- Running through March 20th. Enjoy the live show of “Dick Tracy: A Live Radio Play” starring James Driscoll, in the case of The Big Top Murders. Who killed the clown?
Battle of the Bands - March 20th. The Top 10 winners of the Battle of the Bands will be featured. Each band will perform for 15 minutes at the Fair Center located at the Mississippi Valley Fair.

For more links to more events going on in communities in and around the QCA, click on the links below!
- Burlington - greaterburlington.com
- Cedar Rapids - tourismcedarrapids.com
- Clinton - clintoniowatourism.com
- Galesburg - gogalesburg.com
- Geneseo - geneseo.org
- Iowa City - thinkiowacity.com
- Muscatine - visitmuscatine.com
- Quad Cities - visitquadcities.com
- QCA Facebook Event
Hopefully you can find some safe fun this weekend as spring break wraps up in the Quad Cities!
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