B100’s Pet of the Week: Adopt Violet The Chiweenie
If you've ever wondered what a Chihuahua mixed with a weiner dog would be called, wonder no more! The word is chiweenie, and that's exactly what our pet of the week is this week. Her name is Violet.
Violet is estimated to be 1-2 years old, and has been at the Humane Society of Scott County for a few months. She's very energetic, and has a pretty sweet vertical jump. She typically only uses her jumping skills to get treats though, or – more often – to jump into your lap to snuggle.
Violet is very quiet, but always hyper-aware of her surroundings. You'll notice the chihuahua part of her when something catches her attention and her ears perk up. It's absolutely precious.
She's up-to-date on all of her shots and medical procedures, so she's ready to head out the door to her new home. The adoption fee is just $105, which took care of said procedures.
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