October Isn’t The Earliest It’s Ever Snowed In Iowa…
...but it's pretty close.
You might've woken up to it on Friday, or maybe you were already at work and missed it. But it happened. It snowed on October 12, 2018. For most – about 70 percent according to our Facebook poll – the flakes were not a welcome sight. But look on the bright side! We've had snow earlier than this before.
According to the Iowa Storm Chasing Network, the earliest snowfall on record in Iowa is September 16, 1881.
It was pretty similar to what we saw on Friday, with little accumulation in most places. But in some areas of the state, a few inches came down!
But don't worry about seeing snow this early. According to the 2018 Farmer's Almanac, the Quad Cities could actually be looking at a pretty mild winter this year. Worth noting: it did predict at least some precipitation, so really, we're right on track! Hopefully nothing changes that.
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