Today’s Summer Menu: ‘Peak Alert’ Issued for QC And A Stormy Night
A 'peak alert' has been issued for Eastern Iowa REC members to help conserve energy today and it looks like it could be a stormy night for us in the QC.
What's a Peak Alert?
So basically, you're asked to cut back on energy use today, specifically during the peak demand period today, which is 4:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Incidentially when storms are in our forecast. Here's what a release from Eastern Iowa REC today says:
Due to the extremely hot weather and higher demand for electricity, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), who oversees and manages the electrical grid system in the Eastern Iowa REC service territory, has issued a public appeal for member consumers to conserve energy for Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Eastern Iowa REC is asking members to voluntarily conserve energy today, especially during the peak demand period from 4-9 p.m.
It's also supposed to storm tonight, and some of the storms could get strong. It looks like that's supposed to move in around 6:00 tonight. So sit in the dark with the storms and put on a scary movie I suppose? The storms are expected to last until midnight.
We're also still under that excessive heat warning until 8:00 tonight too.
Here's When It Will Cool Off
Tomorrow the high will be 93 but after that, it's cooling off. Friday the high will be 87, Saturday it will be 86.
Enjoy it though because Sunday it will be 94 and Monday the high will be 100.
So stay hydrated, don't use the high-wattage appliances in your house/apartment if you don't have to (i.e. the oven, or really the hairdryer since it will make your hair look poofy in the humidity), and take care of the pets and elderly.